Succubus with Guns is a bit shaky of an experience and has some funny bugs, but the experience is actually quite fun. And it’s also a very lewd experience.
The one thing that you’ll notice right off the bat (just look at the title image) is that the game is heavy on the lewd side of things. And while it never ventures totally into NSFW territory, you’re still going to want to play this without an audience.
Besides the scantily clad protagonist succubus, a lot of the enemy zombie girls are also hardly dressed. The game is also heavy on the “jiggle physics” of the main character. Running and jumping lead to lots of bouncing. Even idling results in a lot of bouncing as the idle animation for the main character is very…animated.
At its core the game is a survival game. Each of the levels challenge you with surviving waves of enemies until the end. Once you take down the waves of baddies a portal will open up taking you to the next world. You can dish out melee attacks as well as a handful of weapons you’ll pick up in the game.
While the core of the game may be survival, the developers know that half of the fun of lewd games is taking pictures.
Leaning into the lewdness of the scantily clad succubus and demons, the pause function of the game is actually a fully functional photo mode. Rotate, zoom, pan, and tilt the camera to your hearts desire and take screenshots of the action.
I’ll admit that I spent more time playing with the photo mode in the pause menu than I did playing the game itself.
The AI of the enemies is a bit off, which leads to a few funny moments. Sometimes you can stand on a raised platform and stay out of reach of the many enemies with melee attacks. They can’t reach you for some reason and this let’s you take your time and pick them off. Occasionally an enemy will get confused and run away from the action. This usually let’s you gather yourself but I had an odd issue when that happened on one level.
The zombie ran off towards the start of the level across a long bridge with swinging pendulums. I opted to let him go rather than chase him down, but that got me stuck for a few minutes. I went to the next area and cleared the room … and then nothing happened. I wandered around the room confused for a good ten minutes before I backtracked, killed the zombie, and then the waves continued.
The UI and controls are a bit lacking. One thing that I can’t forgive a game for is the lack of a control layout page. Looking at the controls is one of the first things I do when playing a new game. Trying to figure out how to control my character while playing the game, adding to the fact that the controls aren’t intuitive, makes it tough to play.
I really wish that more games would allow you to customize and change the control layout. Jump and roll aren’t assigned to buttons that make sense to me, nor is swapping between weapons done with the shoulder buttons. Up and down in the directional buttons is cumbersome. It’s a pain to have to stop and consciously remember what button I need to press to do what I want in the moment.
The atmosphere in the game is solid though. The ambient sounds and music is intense and perfectly suited to the game. The protagonist also shoots out random voice lines which are silly and cute. It can break the tension.
Overall the game didn’t do it for me as an action game. Tighter and more customizable controls would have been better. But as a lewd photo game, it gets a passing grade. There’s something to enjoy here, but if you’re looking for a solid action game you might be underwhelmed.