My Top 5: Paramount skins I want in ‘Fortnite’

Fortnite and Epic Games reportedly reached a licensing deal earlier in the year to bring characters from Paramount properties into the game.

1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT)

Probably the most anticipated potential collaborations that could come out of this deal are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The ‘heros in a half shell’ have a long history in videogames and are a very popular franchise. Plus with a new animated movie on the way in 2023 it’s a good candidate to come to Fortnite.

2. Ethan Hunt (Mission: Impossible)

This is a dark horse character to come to Fortnite. Ethan Hunt is the main character in the popular Mission:Impossible film franchise and is played by Tom Cruise. There have been six movies so far with two more on the way in 2023 and 2024.

3. Klingons (Star Trek)

How cool would it be to have a Klingon warrior in Fortnite. Give this skin a batleth pickaxe and bring honour to the island. For that matter, let’s add any of the characters from the animated comedy Star Trek: Lower Decks. With multiple Star Wars characters in the game, having Trek vs. Wars on the island could be really cool.

4. Aang, Korra (Avatar the Last Airbender series)

There have been two major anime seires recently with crossovers in Fortnite in Dragon Ball Super and Naruto. With all of the anime inspired skins this could be a fun addition. Plus mythic weapons based on elemental bending powers could be really fun

5. Ghostface (Scream)

I’ll admit that Ghostface is a weird one, but with Halloween and Fortnitemares happening this season, it would be the perfect time. There have been rumours of some horror icons coming for Halloween. This works be a cool addition.