Freedom Games bringing strategic role-playing game ‘Dark Deity’ to Nintendo Switch

Freedom Games is bringing the Kickstarted strategic role-playing game Dark Deity to Nintendo Switch. The game arrives on March 17th.

Fight back in turn-based battles, manage character relationships, collect dangerous artifacts, and hopefully restore the world torn apart by oathbreakers, warmongers, and wielders of forbidden arcane secrets.

A world on its last strand of hope brought to its knees by a Calamity centuries ago that tore down its mighty civilizations. Petty kings rule in place of grand emperors of old that wage fruitless, ill-advised wars picking over ancient ruins like glorified scavengers.

Lead a team of four students in the Brookstead Military Academy, who are shut down on the mysterious orders of King Varic. The ruler of the Kingdom of Delia is preparing to break a millennium-old treaty and Brookstead students make for fine cannon fodder… However, these four soldiers are destined for more than just acting as unwilling meat for another grinder.

They may not know it yet, but they will make their mark on history.

The game retails for $27.99 CAD. Dark Deity is nit yet available for pre-order in the Nintendo eShop.